We offer full range of services for your dome project...from pure consulting to on-sight supervision to a turn-key project. Over 57 years I have developed a network of skilled and trustworthy subs which have demonstrated New Age Domes' commitment to service vs value. When I send someone to your job they have been trained by me personally and will "go to work" instead of a lot of head scratching and false starts.
To the masses, Any sufficiently advanced technology is the equivalent of magic!
Arthur C. Clark first coined this phrase with an eye to those who consider “box” housing as having evolved to its fullest. Today’s world requires a more innovative way of thinking about structures.
There are really only three reasons I can think of to consider building a dome vs a regular “box” home……
Less expensive to build….less exposure to elements and more efficient use of interior space with fewer actual boards being used.
Less expensive to live in and maintain…..energy bills are usually half that of even the most energy efficient boxes
Many times more resistant to storms and storm driven debris…..such as falling trees. Our domes rated at 250 mph
Radial framing shares the load that just shears “box” designs into pieces. Ever notice how strong spider webs are?

Notice the wall layout on the floor. A dome offers more flexibility to move things around like no other. You can alter right up to wall framing. Box homes don't work that way. So when you are walking around under your completed shell you have the opportunity to literally lay it out in real wood to fine tune the design.That's why we use three different chalk lines to lay out the walls. We build on RED.

This dome pictured here came in the truck pictured here. Went up in 10 hours. Also saves a TON on freight.

We’ve seen and fixed some bad ones in our time. This is what happens when you spray a coating on shingles. U-G-L-Y!

much better now....
With our decades of service to the industry we have developed a network of specialists in dome repairs and construction. Experience is the difference between getting a job done efficiently or floundering about until you discover a “trick”.
Domes require a level of “open mindedness” that traditional construction doesn’t require. This is why most traditional construction people require a little hands on when building a dome.

New Age Domes has been decades in serving an industry that got a bum rap during the whole “owner builder” epidemic. During the process we created a whole NEW AGE of stronger, safer, and affordable homes.

I do so love this stadium, it's like moving art and is very close to what I had pictured over Bryant Denny here in Tuscaloosa
Walt's story. fine fellow, great musician, and my favorite Jimmy Buffet look-alike
We contacted John Johnson of New Age construction when we were buying our dome home. He was very helpful with information and told us if he were ever working in the area he would stop by and see what we bought. He also told us we would eventually have to get rid of those skylights and install cupolas. It wasn't what we wanted to hear as we were just buying the home, but I kept this information for future reference.
Fast forward a few years and we started having some leaks around the skylights. I patched them up a few times and then decided to get some quotes for replacing them. Between both domes we had 13 skylights ranging from 4-8' in size. I got a quote from a skylight company(expensive) and was going to move ahead. Out of the blue I get another call form John telling me they were in the area. I told him about the outrageous estimate for skylights and he advised me to cancel it. They could add cupolas remove all the skylights, add pitch to the dormers, and add fire egress windows to the second floor for about the same money.This would bring our home to current codes. I said, " Sign us up".
While waiting we had lot's of rain and I was starting to stress out. I would call or text John and he would always respond or call me even in the late hours. He was not only our contractor, but gave us the mental and moral support to deal with what we were facing.
Once we aligned the job factors, the crew came in and took care of everything as promised. We were very fortunate that the only leaks were the actual skylights and there was little actual damage to the domes which we were told was rare. The crew brought the house up to code, made it look MUCH better and gave us a worry free dome for years to come. We also made some lifelong friends who stay in touch. In fact after recent tornadoes and hurricanes,in which we had zero problems we received 3 calls from John and crew making sure all was well. Last years hurricane saw us in the eye wall at a category 4. Not ONE shingle was missing.
We highly recommend New Age Construction and thank John and crew for all they have done.